Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810 chipset has quite a reputation for loving to overheat. On the other hand, it is that chip maker’s current top of the line offering, so some smartphone makers are seeing themselves in a situation where they have to use it for their flagships. Case in point: Sony. The Xperia Z5 Premium goes…
[Continue reading]Registered Nurse / Registered Midwife
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[Continue reading]Physician Occupational Health
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[Continue reading]Medical Laboratory Assistant
The American Hospital Dubai is an acute care, general medical/surgical Hospital whose mission is to provide high quality American standard healthcare that meets the needs and exceed the expectations of the people of Dubai, the UAE and the surrounding Gulf States.The American Hospital Dubai was therefore planned, designed, built and equipped to meet American Standards…
[Continue reading]Anaesthetist Technician
The American Hospital Dubai is an acute care, general medical/surgical Hospital whose mission is to provide high quality American standard healthcare that meets the needs and exceed the expectations of the people of Dubai, the UAE and the surrounding Gulf States.The American Hospital Dubai was therefore planned, designed, built and equipped to meet American Standards…
[Continue reading]Technical Director, Medical Imaging Department – Western educated and trained
The American Hospital Dubai is an acute care, general medical/surgical Hospital whose mission is to provide high quality American standard healthcare that meets the needs and exceed the expectations of the people of Dubai, the UAE and the surrounding Gulf States.The American Hospital Dubai was therefore planned, designed, built and equipped to meet American Standards…
[Continue reading]Casual dining restaurant in Qatar looking for female supervisors and waitresses
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